January was a good month for me.
First of all I turned 35. 35 is also my hubby's badge number...and he got his promotion to Sergeant this month!! This is the year for the 35! I got to have a little trip down to some 80+degree weather in Fla. And there is still no blizzard in Jersey! I'd like to have a little sledding snow, but not be stuck in the house for 5 days like last winter.
I ran 37.5 miles. (Look! There is a 3 and 5 in there. LOL!) Last year I did much more, almost 75 miles, but it was a month before my first half marathon in New Orleans. So I had a few long runs. And it was much much colder last year. We had a few 60+ degree days here in NJ this past week! It's been amazing. Now I have a cold. Of course.
I ran one 5K race in Florida. That was so fun. I was thrilled beyond belief when I crossed the finish line and saw 29:04. A PR by about a minute and a half! But, then I stopped my Garmin and realized the course was 2.96 miles, a little short. But it was still a 9:49 pace and maybe I could have gotten a PR. So I am quite happy with that. But, I am still searching for the sub 30 PR for a 5K.
I signed up for a few little races: I think I already mentioned the NJ Half in May. But I am also doing a local 2 mile beach run in Feb, another 5K in March, Runapalooza Marathon Relay, and the SL5 three weeks after the half. I have nothing lined up for June yet, but July has the Jersey Girl Triathlon! This will be my 3rd time doing it and I have a few new friends to do it with! I'm so excited. I love doing races. They do get expensive, but they are ALL for good causes. They are for Special Olympics, local FD and First Aid Squads, local recreation departments, local battered women shelters...places I don't donate to on a regular basis, but get to, because I run.
Plus, I am planning on signing up for this little race in DC in Oct.
Most important, I have an group run on Feb 11. And I hope that anyone who may stumble to my little page go over to Beth at ShutUpAndRun and read about her cousin in Montana who went out for a run and never came home. The response to her virtual run has been amazing. There is a page on facebook, blogs have been linking to it for weeks. There will be people running/walking all over the world. All. Over. The. World. For Sherry. For a mom. A teacher. A runner. Hope you print out her race bib and reflect how lucky you are that you can get out there and run, walk, bike, whatever. Just keep moving.
My new motto:
Don't think. Just go.