Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Week 5 Weigh In!

I have been kicking some ass in the gym and the weight loss department...

Despite the fact that we have had some really bad shit going on around us. 3 people I know have/had bad cancer. 2 just had brain surgery to have tumors removed. Both are doing fine. One has to start chemo asap, he has 3 young children. The 3rd was a friend of my mom's and he died very quickly, leaving 2 young children. A woman that I just met on Saturday at a banquet went home that night and accidentally fell down her stairs and broke her neck. She also had 2 small children and was planning her wedding to a great guy. We are still in shock for that last one, since we just found out last night.

But, in my little world, my accomplishment this week, I lost...

4.8 pounds!

Which gives me a grand total of 14.6 pounds lost. Going to the gym has become the norm and very therapeutic. I am so grateful for my happy healthy children, even though the Baby had a fever all last night and hardly slept. The meds weren't working and he was groaning in his sleep. And Hubby is just getting over something similar (he's been sleeping on the couch so he didn't get us sick). I don't even know how to end this post.

Just hug your little ones closer today and I hope all of you, my readers, are happy and healthy.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Never weigh in at night!

So I was good eating all last week, mostly...there WAS St. Patrick's Day last week. And I AM Irish. ;)
I RAN over 20 miles over the last week, and walked another 8 or so. I did 2 classes at the gym. .....so tell me how the HECK did I gain:

.4 of a pound??

I will tell you how. I weighed in at 191.2 last night after a power pump class. Only AM weigh ins for me from now on. I was 188 on the scale this morning, after I ran another 4 miles. :)
I had already eaten all my meals for the day. Plus, holy CRAP, I can SEE my muscles!!! I know that I could have exhaled and not gained that .4 lb. But it's ok. I'll take it. My calfs are starting to be defined like they used to be. I can see my ankles. When I was in class last night doing curls I could actually SEE muscles in my arms! Those girly push-ups at night are doing their job!
I know that the fat is melting away. The muscles will only help in this competition in the long run. The only weight that matters is the 1st and the last, it's all good. I feel great. I am running 11 minute miles outside (12ish on a treadmill).

So I don't feel bad about a tiny gain (it's not even half a pound) and I will rock it this week.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Week 3 weigh in

I went into the gym this morning for a spinning class. It was a great sweat! The Baby cried his little eyes out in the childcare for the first 10 min, but then was just fine and watching Elmo by the time I was done, so I went and did some weights for 10 minutes and then got my weigh in.

Week 3 I lost:

4.8 Pounds!!

I am now down to 190.8 and have lost 10.2 pounds in 3 weeks. I am still on a roll. My motivation hasn't gone down. I am looking ahead to each day on my google calendar and trying to figure out when I can get over to the gym. I feel fantastic.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Have I Turned Obsessed?

Yesterday was one of the biggest storms to hit the Jersey Shore in a while...not counting the tons of snow that was dumped on us this winter. I am talking rain and wind. Oh the WIND! It was awful. We had wires down all over town (my hubby is in the fire dept so I am in the know). Branches falling everywhere. Flooding in many parts of our town and neighboring towns. There were even a couple calls of cars stuck in the water around the corner from my house. Luckily the water from the lake 2 blocks away and the river 1 block away never ever has reached this house. My grandfather has lived in the house since he was 6 months old (he is now 78). Our house never floods from the river or the lake....but we have the rain soaking into the foundation. Even with the brand new gutters Hubby and I got put on last summer. So our sump pumps are going off every 5 minutes or so. Luckily our basement isn't finished like one of my friend's is.

So in a nut shell. Wind. Cold. Rain. Wind. Did I mention the wind?

...And I ran a 5K in it. :)

I did one of my best times ever for a 5K. I did it in 33:44. That is a 10:53 min/mile pace! I am so proud of myself. I am just thawing out and drying up now.
Today is an off day. Hubby is working and the gym doesn't have childcare on Sundays. And although it isn't raining right now, the weather is too crappy to take the boys out in the jogger.

I have about two 5Ks a month lined up until July 10. I will be doing my first 5 MILER since I was in HS. A girl I knew in HS is friends with me on facebook and she has gotten into running recently and is running a 1/2 marathon in April, and she has been cheering me on. She challenged me to do this particular 5 miler under one hour. She has bet me $100. So we shall see how it all goes. It is exciting and I have my weigh in tomorrow and I'll be trying spinning for the first time.
I am also on dailymile. It has been fantastic for keeping track of my times and mileage. I joined the gym Feb 1 and started dailymile that day and I have logged 58 miles!
...anyone know how many miles you can do before you have to replace your shoes??

Thursday, March 11, 2010

My Friend's Contest

A fellow Jersey blogger friend is having a fantastic contest.

She is going to donate $25 to a charity of your choice!

So head on over here and let her know your charity and maybe you'll win. And feel really good about it. :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

200 posts gone by & my weigh in

I almost didn't realize until I logged on today that this is my 200th post. I am glad I didn't let it go by without mention, because about 20 posts ago (and about 6 months ago) I was kind of waiting for it.
Now it's all anti-climactic since I didn't plan anything fun, like wedding pictures. They are still sitting in my camera. I will try to get some up this week. The Kid was amazing he went up that aisle like he was born to do that. If anyone needs a ring bearer, I can loan him out to you. ;)

But I did log on today to tell you all how I did with my weigh in this week. I knew it wasn't going to be as good as last week. I did bust my butt at the gym all last week in prep for the extravaganza. We had the rehearsal on Thurs with fantastic food and a few (4?) glasses of wine. Then we had the main event on Saturday. I kept myself up in the bridal suite with the Kid and stayed away from the massive cocktail hour. We had some good stuff upstairs, but I was saving myself for the prime rib. Plus they were serving BLUE MOON beer at the wedding!! It was a special request by the bride and groom and it is my favorite beer.ever. So I had quite a few of them. Sunday was really rough. I wasn't able to get over to the gym, but I stuck both kids in the double jogger (all 62+ pounds of them) and walked to the beach and back - a little over 2.6 miles. Yesterday, I was still recovering and was so sluggish all morning....just not as young as we used to be.... so when I picked up the Kid from school I brought his bike and had the Baby in the single jogger and we did 2 1/2 miles in 35 minutes. The Kid was a trooper...with promises of playground at the end.

Then we went over to the gym for my weigh in before dinner. I lost:

1 pound.

That's ok. I am happy I didn't gain anything. So I am now down 5.4 pounds in 2 weeks! That total number makes me happier.

Today was another gorgeous day in Jersey (FINALLY!) and I brought the Baby and the jogger to the beach and ran 3 miles on the boardwalk in 34 minutes! I am back on this and I will lose more and more. :)

This weekend I have a 5K and after my run today, I am feeling really good about it. And I won't have the jogger for that! Grandma will have the boys.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Week 1 Weigh In

I went for my Biggest Loser weigh in today..... guess what?

I lost 4.4 pounds!!!

I am so excited!
I have been working my ass off at the gym (and actually enjoying the time to myself). I have been eating smaller portions of food (and NO fast food!) I have only had ONE glass of wine all week (I KNOW!) I also gave.up.coffee. I was never a huge coffee drinker, but since the (17 month old) Baby is still on the teet at night, a few times a night, I am exhausted and thought that the coffee would get me through the day. It doesn't. You know what does? Looking forward to doing 2.5-3 miles on the treadmill ALL.BY.MYSELF. at least 4-5 days a week. I have so much more energy than coffee ever gave me. Sure, I'm still exhausted, but it's a different tired. It's a 'I just sweated about a 1/2 pound off me tired.' And I'm ok with that.

The Baby is also going into HIGH maintenance separation anxiety. I couldn't even go take a shower in our own house with my MIL watching him downstairs without a major meltdown. Probably because I have been dropping his cute little butt in the gym day care too much for his liking. I say TOUGH! He will get through it. He will survive. After about 5-10 minutes he stops screaming and the girls at the gym can handle him. I need to do this for ME!
So off I go. 2% down. I am on my way!! :)

Next week may not be as impressive. I have my SIL wedding on Saturday. Um, yea, I've been looking forward to the food and open bar all year. And it would be rude not to partake in the fancy place my SIL is paying big bucks to have her wedding. But I will be in the gym everyday this week, maybe even twice a couple days (since Hubby is home all week and I can leave the Baby home) and I will be there the day after the wedding for my 'last chance workout!'