Monday, May 14, 2012

Moms Rock!

This weekend was amazing!
I spend some of Friday night reading through some of my old posts from 2008. I can't believe I've actually had this blog that long! If you have a little free time, feel free to head back in time and read some. It's from when the Ryan was 3 and waiting for Logan to be born. (I also used to call them The Kid and The Baby. I'm done with that. btw. Hubby still needs to be anonymous.) Reading back was so amazing. That is one huge reason I started this blog. So I could look back and see what we were doing and what I was feeling during those days.

On Saturday we had a Mom's Rock 5K and 1 mile fun run. Ry ran with hubby in the the one mile race.
 Here he comes at the final turn.

 He's flying! His feet are off the ground!!

 7 years old and a 8:27 finish!!
He is in the orange, just ahead of those 2 bigger boys! YAY!

I am SO proud of him! And he was so excited. 
He can't wait to do another mile run in June that he did last year in 9:02.

Then Hubby & the kids went home and I caught up with my tri group for the 5K. I have NO pictures of me, since my camera went home with Hubby and my phone was in the car. There were pictures taken after the race, but they haven't been posted yet.

I ran my best 5K EVER! One of my goals last year was to run a sub 30 5K. Well, I did it today! My previous PR was 30:32 (with 3.11 miles on the Garmin) in Dec, so close! According to my Garmin, I ran 3.08 miles in 29:43. My 'chip' time was 29:48 (but we had a timing mat at the finish and not the start.) So either way....I'LL TAKE IT!  :)

Then, Logan had a birthday party for a girl in his class that was turning 4...I know he really isn't the Baby anymore since he'll be 4 in Sept. :(

After that, we met my mom and walked from her house to a local Wine/Beer festival that was at the park down the street from her. So fun! Busy day!

 Little Ceasars pizza picnic at the park.

On Mother's Day I had the most wonderful time. First, I took the kids to my mom's for a relaxing morning on her deck. I had the most amazing croissant ever, even better than the ones I had in New Orleans!

Chillin' on at my mom's house Mother's Day morning.

At noon we went to brunch with my in-laws at a new place at the beach. Then we walked up to the beach. Of course, we had no real camera or camcorder with us, so I took this with my cell phone. That is my niece that I watch on Thurs/Fri. The cousins are SO close it's adorable.

Cousins on the beach!  :)
The only picture out of about 6 that I got all 3 faces!

I was going to head back up to the beach for the afternoon with the kids. The temps were in the 80's, it was just gorgeous, but it was a tad bit too windy up there. The sand was whipping like crazy, so we all went back to our house later and I got a lot of weeding done in my yard while the kids played. I love to weed my yard. It's so therapeutic....except that I hurt my lower back pulling a root out. ugh. It's better today after some Advil and an icy/hot patch.

It was just the most perfect fun weekend!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


I got the CUTEST paper home from school yesterday from my 7 year old....

You think I've been doing anything but eat, sleep and breathe half marathon lately?? hahaha!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Long Branch Half Marathon Race Report

So my Garmin froze on me again today so I had to do this half without. That means no splits. I was so mad at first. :( But, it turned out to be nice. I wasn't obsessed with checking my splits. Then just before mile 8 I realized I had my phone in my belt and I could've started mapmyrun. Whoops! LOL! 

I was very happy with this race overall, parking in the morning could have been done a little different, but it was their first year starting at the race track, so they need to work out some bugs. But we did get to use the bathrooms inside the race track. REAL bathrooms! No porta-pottys. And they were clean and warm, and the line moved very quickly. For anyone that has seen the horror that can be race morning porta-potties knows this was the best blessing ever!

I was supposed to be in corral D, but I hopped into the back of corral C with KC and we started together. After a minute I could barely see her. Until I passed the first porta-potties around mile 3ish. She yelled and waved with a big smile. She gets the tummy issues while running sometimes, that I know a lot of people have to deal with. So I sort of laughed and waved and knew she'd catch up to me. She never did. Poor thing stopped 5 times total. Stuff was coming out both ends. My poor poor friend. I was so sad for her.

Some funny things I saw: a man in a black tutu, a man wearing flip flops (with a strap around the back), a spectator in a full bunny costume and there were so many funny signs. I just wish my brain wasn't so jumbled I could remember them. And at every porta-potty stop on the course, and some spots that didn't have potties, there were many many men using the, uh, woods to do their business. I never understood that. Can't you hold it? I gave birth to 2 children, naturally, and I can hold it for almost 2.5 hours

The spectators were fantastic! (see above: woman in a bunny suit). They were cheering on almost all the streets we ran and just so great. No one said anything inappropriate, like, 'You're almost done' at mile 6. There were even a few bands playing. I even got Lei-ed just before mile 12. ;) (See my pics- it's on my wrist. lol.) 

This finish was great. I saw Hubby and the kids just before the finish and he got some great pictures. 
Unfortunately, it was just too cold to hang out after the race. Wish we had a little sun peak out, but the temp was great for running. Thank goodness my girlfriends who ran, KC, MP, TC (all girls who went to New Orleans and DC with me) and I had Hubby to bring us back to the race track from Long Branch and we didn't have wait on line in the cold to get on a smelly school bus back to their cars. 

I was much better at the end of this one that I was in New Orleans. In NOLA I couldn't walk. I just laid on the grass for almost a half an hour (I think). I kind of lost track of time. This year I was walking around and  playing outside with the kids. Now I feel very stiff. I probably did too much today. Time for bed.

Don't you just love the scenery! BEACH!

 Hurting just a bit at the last stretch.

Just saw the Hubby and kids. They gave me a perfect boost of energy!
I LOVE this shot! 

Hubby did a great job getting pics of me and our friends.
But, because KC was sick, we forgot to get after pictures with our medals 
or any pictures of me and the kids. :(

Half Marathon #2 DONE! :)
2:23:51  PR by about 4 minutes!!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


I think I need an intervention.

I am addicted to racing.

I have signed up for 3 races in the next 2 weekends. 4 total for May.

On Saturday 5/5 I am running a 5K, really easy and slow, with a group of girls who just finished 'couch to 5K'.

Then on Sunday morning 5/6 I have my 2nd HALF MARATHON!! I haven't run since last Friday. I accidentally took this taper thing way to literally. Been so busy this week and I have been SO spoiled by this fantastic weather the last few months and it rained here most of the week. Boo.

Today my triathlon group started posting on the book of face about getting together to do a Mom's Rock 5K on Sat 5/12. Well, I jumped right on it! I figured I was going to be there anyway because my very awesome 7 year old is going to do the 1 mile run.

And then on Memorial Day weekend 5/26, I am doing a 5 miler. Luckily, everything is pretty local.  But I have definitely filled my running plate for May.

I also had some scary moments this week that contributed to my lack of running.
Last Saturday my Baby fell (did not hit his head!) and went unconscious for less than 30 seconds. During that time he had a small seizure. He was totally fine within 5 minutes; color back to his face, eating, playing, running, laughing. It was like nothing happened. I called the Dr and she said to watch him very carefully the rest of the day and if there was anything 'off' bring him right to the ER. There wasn't, so I didn't. We went into the pediatrician on Monday and got a script to get an EEG done. We got that test done on Wed morning. He was a rock star!! He laid still, closed his eyes and even fell asleep! Just what the tech wanted him to do.

See. Total rock star. 
This was after it was over and it was munchkin time!

I got the call this afternoon that his EEG was normal. And they had a cancellation in the pediatric neurology office tomorrow (Fri). So I'll be heading there in the morning. We are very lucky to get in. There is usually a 3-4 month wait!
I know there may never be a medical reason that he had that spell. And it may never happen again. But, you just have to do everything you can for your babies...just in case.