Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Week 5 Weigh In!

I have been kicking some ass in the gym and the weight loss department...

Despite the fact that we have had some really bad shit going on around us. 3 people I know have/had bad cancer. 2 just had brain surgery to have tumors removed. Both are doing fine. One has to start chemo asap, he has 3 young children. The 3rd was a friend of my mom's and he died very quickly, leaving 2 young children. A woman that I just met on Saturday at a banquet went home that night and accidentally fell down her stairs and broke her neck. She also had 2 small children and was planning her wedding to a great guy. We are still in shock for that last one, since we just found out last night.

But, in my little world, my accomplishment this week, I lost...

4.8 pounds!

Which gives me a grand total of 14.6 pounds lost. Going to the gym has become the norm and very therapeutic. I am so grateful for my happy healthy children, even though the Baby had a fever all last night and hardly slept. The meds weren't working and he was groaning in his sleep. And Hubby is just getting over something similar (he's been sleeping on the couch so he didn't get us sick). I don't even know how to end this post.

Just hug your little ones closer today and I hope all of you, my readers, are happy and healthy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay....so those with cancer...how horrible. One that died? Hurts my heart. The poor woman who fell and broke her neck?! WTF!? How tragic. Please forgive me for asking...did she die? You said she "had" two small children and "was" planning her wedding. If she passed away...that's even more tragic.

Not tragic? The major ass you are kicking not only with the weight loss but the gym. I am SO excited to get back to the gym. So excited, in fact, when I found out my C-section would be June 25th, I asked if I could go home Monday. She said "we'll see". I then asked if I could return to the gym the following Monday and she looked at me like I had boobs growing out of my noseholes.
