I thought this post went already. I thought it was set for last week. My bad.
Written 3/12
So this was a huge week and weekend. Besides the playground, belt ceremony, Scout Sunday and many other fun things I packed into this week, I still had to get my runs in.
Last weekend I ran my 8 mile training run at this beautiful 5 mile trail loop around a reservoir with my fantastic running group. I don't know how I would do these runs with out them and my BRF (best running friend) KC. So glad she joined this group with me! I was able to get a 5 mile and just a 3 mile in during the week by myself. Gotta take what I can get.
This past weekend I had 9 on my schedule. And a 5K. mmmmm. What to do?
I'll tell you what I did. My training group, The Jersey Girls, also signed up for this fun local race. It was run by my Hubby's fire dept and had a great after party, fun post-race giveaways and a gift auction (which I won none of! boo!) Anyway, all the JG that are also doing the half in May also had to run 9. About 6 of us met early and went on our 6 mile run before the race!! Crazy! Right? And the best part was I did really well in the race! And there were some doozy hills on both the training run and the race. I wish my Garmin was uploading to the new iMac so I could show you the elevation. I know it's not Denver or anything, but for a shore town to have a course that has an elevation gain of 352 feet is pretty amazing, and one of the hills is a HALF mile hill <--that was on our 6 mile training run, not the race.
We did 6.28 miles before the race in 1:14 (11:42 pace) Not too shabby knowing I still had another 3 to go.
The 5K was a tad short. It measured on my Garmin as 2.95 miles, but I did it in just over 31 minutes (10:35 pace!) And that was after doing 6 miles! I couldn't believe my legs were still moving! And I even passed people at the end. There are no pictures of my finish, but I have one of the Kid! I know it was in yesterday's post, but I just had to share again.
He ran (and walked) it in just over 33 minutes!!
I was so proud of my little man. xoxox.
Here are a few of the Jersey Girls and my Jersey Boys after the race.
(I'm in blue. Hubby was late getting to the race after my training run with my change of shirt.
Our car had a dead battery because someone left a light on all night....
I had my pink packed and wore it to the bar for the post-race party. LOL)
This weekend is the first 10 miler. Which my BRF, KC, and I have to do together on Saturday morning before we head up to Great Wolf Lodge with the cub scouts. Eeeek. We'll make it work. 8 more weeks until my second half marathon!! :)