I'm a runner, triathlete and stay at home mom living at the beach with a Second Grader and a preschooler. Join me with our toes in the sand.
Friday, January 30, 2009
First Swing Ride

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Here is the Baby at 4 months old.

Sunday, January 18, 2009
1. I was on the track team 4 years in HS, and 2 years in college.
2. I ran the 100M hurdles and the 400M hurdles!
3. I was on the field hockey team 2 years in HS and 1 in college. College was too damn competitive for me.
4. I am a Delta Phi Epsilon.
5. Most of college was a drunken blur.
6. I graduated with a BA in Law & Justice, but never knew what I'd really do with the degree. It took me 4 1/2 years.
7. I went to the police academy in 1999.
8. I was 60 pounds lighter in 1999 than I am now. Did gravity change since then?
9. I met my husband while we were working as special police officers on the boardwalk.
10. I love steak! Especially when my mom makes it on the grill after marinating in her special sauce for 2 days.
11. I love to read fiction. Usually cop dramas. Mostly while nursing these days. But my favorite place to read is the beach...but probably not this summer with the Baby eating sand.
12. I am a TV-aholic. I record at least 2 hours a night, except Thursdays I have 5 HOURS of shows I watch. Plus ABC Soaps.
13. I am tender-hearted - I truly would never intentionally hurt a friend and if it happens accidentally I am sorry and I mean it.
14. I am proud to be a Jersey girl.
15. Outside America, I have been to Mexico (Cancun), Spain (Madrid & Tenerife) and Saint Lucia (honeymoon).
16. Inside America, I have been to NY, PA, New Orleans LA, FL, DC, Ocean City MD, Myrtle Beach SC, WI.
17. I believe our trip to a wedding in WI is where were conceived the Kid.
18. I also believe our trip to a wedding in the Keys in FL is where we conceived the Baby. Hubby doesn't think so.
19. I am told my smile is my best feature.
20. I want to tattoo my boy's names on me but I don't know where, or if I'll ever have the guts or the money.
21. I am a total mutt. I have Irish, English, Swedish, German. My Hubby is 3/4 Irish and 1/4 Russian - that's it! So my boys: mutts like me with some added Russian.
22. I love to ride my bike. Especially when I have a kid on the back.
23. I have one best friend that I have kept since we met in first grade. Our mom's were Girl Scout leaders together and we thought we were hot sh!t. Now our sons will grow up together - they are a year apart. And that makes me very happy.
24. I have played the flute since 5th grade.
25. I can also play the piccolo and I was in the marching band and concert band in HS.
26. I went to a dance school during HS. I did tap & jazz.
27. I am oblivious to local & world events, but I wish I wasn't. I just don't have time to watch the news.
28. I love coffee with French Vanilla flavor milk in it and lots of sugar.
29. I have one brother, 2 girl cousins and 6 boy cousins on both sides of my family. I am the oldest out of all of them. I am sad that my boys have no cousins.
30. I have known my Hubby for 10 years. We've been married for 6 years this April.
31. Obviously, I LOVE THE BEACH!
32. I also love comments and hope I can get more than 32 on this post. :)Wednesday, January 14, 2009
My 'Karate' Kid
My cousin went to this school for years and started when he just older than my Kid. He achieved a black belt and went all over for competitions and won many trophy's. I am not sure that is a goal that the Kid understands right now or if one that he would want to pursue. He is just having so much fun . He has been really enjoying it and looks forward to it much more than he did when he went to the Little Gym. I thought that it was going to be so expensive, but it turns out it's no more per class than the Little Gym, and here he will be working toward real goals (belts) instead of just taking classes.
He was so proud of himself when he got his white belt during his second class. Three months from now, if he practices and does well in class, he will have his yellow belt. It's a Lil' Dragons program for 4-5 year olds. They don't really learn the whole form or get solid belts. They learn respect for themselves and others, discipline, self-confidence and self-esteem. Their belts have a color stripe going through them. They don't begin the solid belts until they are 6.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
4AM Freakout

Left: Abby, Right: Zoe

And just look at those eyes!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Sleeping Arrangements
So here are the 'before' pictures. They were taken on exactly 12/23 when he was 3 months old. Because I realized after he was already asleep for the night (I hoped) that I didn't take one picture of him all day when he turned 3 months old.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009
A Random Wordless Wednesday - almost

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Christmas Loot
The only think that the Kid asked for from Santa was the Diego Dino Mountain Play Set. Well, Santa had to come through with that one....even though the Kid already has a big Diego play set that he got last year and is taking up space in the toy area.

The Baby got this ball in his stocking and loves to hold it and try to bite it. It's so freaking cute.

Then we were off to the in-laws. Hubby's brother & sister got him the Smart Cycle. Grandma got him the Cool School keyboard with extra games. So far he is loving both and I would recommend them. Although, we need to get another game for the Smart Cycle, he is getting bored of the one that comes with it already.

Then we went to my Dad's side of the family over at my Grandfather's house. The Kid got Diego Crocs for the summer and a Handy Manny truck that turned into a work bench. It was nice the first 2 days when we didn't realize it had noise. hahaha.
So, now we are in a holding pattern until we can move upstairs. There are just a couple doors to hang and some trim to put up. Some paint to paint and we are DONE! When this happens I am cleaning out the toy area. It is horrendous! I want to donate it to some shelters and churches.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Look What The Kid Bought With His Christmas Money

Saturday, January 3, 2009
Christmas Eve 2008

I love love love the Baby in his green Christmas diaper!
The Kid got lots of fun stuff at Grandma's house. (Thanks Mom!) She refused to buy him any toys, our house already looks like a toy store threw up after a bad night with Jose. No toys, except for the Hess truck that she gets him every year. That is one of his favorite things. But I missed a picture of that one because he got to open that before his buddy came over...and I neglected to pull the camera out. Anyway...here are a few cool things he got, and my polite little man said thank you after every one and was beyond patient to open them. I was pleasantly surprised.
Here is his new bank. It records all the money that goes in. He got it with a few bucks in it. He has since emptied out his piggy banks in there and has over $34 now!
Here is my world traveler brother. My mom got them both world maps so they could pin point all the places he has been...except, she accidentally got one world map and one US map. We took the US, he has to learn his states eventually anyway. He already can find about 8 states on a map and knows about 4 or 5 capitols. Thank goodness for his USA placemat. We'll get the world map too, eventually.
Just look at that face because grandma and mommy made him try on his new beach towel for a photo. 'just let me play with my Hess truck.'
And here is our tree after Santa visited at 1am. Photos of Christmas morning to come...
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Hello 2009
Waiting nekked under that towel until I go get the soap I forgot, please don't pee...