Monday, July 28, 2008

Movie Review - Wall-E

So, I saw what must be the most depressing movie of all time today. No, I am not talking about Beaches.

I am talking about Wall-E. For those of you who haven't seen it, and want to, you may want to stop reading...because I am going to have some spoilers in here. I know they are spoilers because just watching the trailers would never get you to think it was that type of movie. I will also say that the Kid loved it. It wasn't too scary (for a kid) and there was a lot of funny moments and parts of it were action packed. And I have to say, even though it was depressing, I really enjoyed it too. Even brought a tear to my eye.

I am talking about the underlying message of the movie in general...nothing that kids would really 'get'.

warning spoilers coming
So, fast forward 700 years from now and Earth has been vacated of ALL humans 700 years ago. Why? Because the Earth was taken over by some mega-corporate super store (can we say Wal-Mart?) and there was SO much garbage on the whole planet that humans wouldn't have survived it if they stayed there anymore. So this super store made a HUGE space ship and all the humans went on a 5 year cruise so that the super store made robots could clean up the mess. Well, as the years go on the generations (700 YEARS people) of humans are getting more and more lazy and more and more obese. Really sad. They don't even talk to one another in person, just by floating screens in front of them. They don't eat, they drink all their meals through a straw. Hell, these people can't even WALK! They float around on hover chairs just drinking their meals and talking on their screens (which I guess are like their phones.) We are talking massively obese. It seemed to be a movie that is trying to open people's eyes to a real crisis this world, especially this country has right now. Kinda "Happy Feet" like. If you haven't seen that it is all about conservation and saving the earth in a different way. *Side note: That movie FREAKED the Kid out. There was some scary sea lion that was trying to eat the cute little penguins, and he did not like that one bit.*
So the movie goes on and there is a robot (EVE) that gets sent from the spaceship to find out if Earth is able to be lived on yet. She finds a plant and brings it back. The robots on the ship somehow control everything and they don't want the humans back on Earth. They end up saving the day and they all go back and start life on Earth again. It ends up to be a semi-happy ending. But it was still a really really scary concept of what life could be in 700 years. Especially for someone who is pro-creating as we speak.

How do I know that the Earth will be able to be lived on by my great-great-great-great-great-great grandchildren? Hell, how do I know if my kids NOW will even be able to collect social security? Or own property? Or be drafted? Wow. I just went off on some political crap that I usually don't do here. All I know is that we are damn lucky to live how we live now and we've got to keep it that way. Take care of the Earth (reduce, reuse, recycle, don't litter, etc) She is the only one we get. And have a voice. Vote.

Damn that movie made me get all deep.

Now I can't wait to go see "Space Chimps". I hope that is a lot more light hearted. :)

1 comment:

Sherry said...

Wow that's quite the message huh?
One of my daughters friend went to see it and said she didn't care for it. I guess it depends on what you get out of it huh?